- 08-00. k8s Cheatsheets
- 08-01. What is kubernetes
- 08-02. What is Helm
- 08-03. Readiness-probe and Liveness-probe
- 08-04. Guide for Kubernetes manifests, Dockerfile
- 08-05. Zuul On AKS
- 08-06. Connect to 'Pod' from 'Development PC' in 'Private Kubernetes Cluster'
- 08-07. Kubernetes Ingress and Spring Cloud Zuul
- 08-08. Kubernetes Basics of Brendan Burns
- 08-09. Kube-prometheus-stack with Helm3.x on AKS
- 08-10. ECK-Operator with Helm3.x on AKS
- 08-11. EFK with Helm3.x on AKS
- 08-12. Kubernetes dashboard with Helm3.x
- 08-13. kubectl 명령으로 Node shell접속
- 08-14. Kubernetes 모범 사례
- 08-15. K8S Node에 할당가능한 CPU MEMORY 산정
- 08-16. Auto-scaling of Pod and Cluster Node 15장
- 08-17. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests of Udemy
- 08-18. K8S Node Size 산정
- 08-19. k8s Dashboard
- 08-20. Azure Kubernetes Solutions Architecture
- 08-20. Kubenetes AutoScaling
- 08-21. Kubernetes 클러스터 with GCP
- 08-22. Master DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps
- 08-23. 쉽게 이해하는 쿠버네티스
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