- 100. Quick Overview of DevOps
- 200. Start DevOps with Docker
- 201. DevOps, Docker and Containerization
- 202. Step 01 - Docker and DevOps - Installation and Introduction
- 203. Step 02 - Your First DevOps Use case with Docker
- 204. Quick Tip for Windows 10 : Use in URL instead of localhost
- 205. Step 03 - Important Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image and Container
- 206. Step 04 - Playing with Docker Images - Java, JavaScript and Python
- 207. Commands Executed in this Section
- 208. Step 05 - Playing with Docker - Detached Mode and Logs
- 209. Step 06 - Playing with Docker Images and Containers
- 210. Step 07 - Understanding Docker Architecture - Docker Client, Docker Engine
- 211. Step 08 - Understanding Docker Popularity - My 3 Top Reasons
- 212. Step 09 - Learning Docker Images - Commands
- 213. Step 10 - Learning Docker Containers - Commands
- 214. Step 11 - Learning Docker Commands - system and stats
- 215. Step 12 - 01 - Import Docker Projects into Visual Studio Code
- 216. Quick Tip for Windows 10 : Enable "Expose Demon without TLS option"
- 217. Step 12 - 02 - Building Docker Images for Python Application
- 218. Step 13 - Understanding creation of Docker Images in Depth
- 219. Step 14 - Pushing Python App Docker Image to Docker Hub
- 220. Step 15 - Building and Pushing Docker Image for Node JavaScript App
- 221. Step 16 - Building and Pushing Docker Image for Java Application
- 222. Step 17 - Building Efficient Docker Images - Improving Layer Caching
- 223. Step 18 - Understanding ENTRYPOINT vs CMD
- 224. Step 19 - Docker and Microservices - Quick Start
- 225. Step 20 - Introduction to Microservices - CE and CC
- 226. Step 21 - Running Microservices as Docker Containers
- 227. Step 22 - Using Docker Link to Connect Microservices
- 228. Step 23 - Using Custom Networking to Connect Microservices
- 229. Step 24 - Using Docker Compose to Simplify Microservices Launch
- 230. Step 25 - Understanding Docker Compose further
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