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In this app let's look at something which makes dev ops really really easy.

Container ization waste container resolution needed.

And how does it make the world easy.

That's what we would understand in this basic step.

We are in the world of micro services.

There would be hundreds of micro services.

Some of them will be built in Java.

Some of them in Python.

Some of them might be built in JavaScript.

The deployment environment which is needed to run a javascript application will be different from the deployment and we don't meant you would need to run a job application or a python application.

The deployment procedures might also vary between different applications.

If you're trying to automate the provisioning of servers and configuring them for your micro services then you would need different configuration and scripts different configuration and scripts for Java application and different configuration scripts for javascript application.

This will make maintaining these environments a big headache.

Is there a way we can actually have the same deployment and without me and this same deployment procedure for all Microsoft users that's where DOCS provide an amazing solution.

Once you have any application or micro service you can build a darker image containing the micro service.

Once you build a darker image it does not matter whether the Docker image is for a python application or a job application or a javascript application you still run it the same way the software you'd need

to run this Docker image.

Is this theme irrespective of what the Docker image contains want to use containers your infrastructure as code becomes really really simple.

You can provision a cluster of servers which have the container runtime installed on that and you can directly deploy containers onto them.

You don't need to worry if the container is of a job application a python application or a javascript application.

As far as I'm concerned container ization is one of the things which makes dev ops really really easy.

And that's the reason why we would be starting with Docker in the next section of course.

Let's not jump into the practical sections of the code in the next section.

We'll be starting with Docker.

I'll see you there.

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