## ansible.cfg 
[student@workstation jinja2-lab]$ cat ansible.cfg 
inventory = inventory
ansible_managed = Ansible managed: modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

[student@workstation jinja2-lab]$ cat inventory 

## motd.j2
[student@workstation jinja2-lab]$ cat motd.j2
This system's total memory is: {{ ansible_memtotal_mb }} MBs.
The current free memory is: {{ ansible_memfree_mb }} MBs.

## motd.yml
[student@workstation jinja2-lab]$ cat motd.yml
- hosts: all
  user: devops
  become: true
    - template:
        src: motd.j2
        dest: /etc/motd
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644

[student@workstation jinja2-lab]$ ssh devops@serverb.lab.example.com 
Last login: Wed Feb 13 15:31:20 2019 from workstation.lab.example.com
This system's total memory is: 488 MBs.
The current free memory is: 235 MBs.
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