If you don't want to install gruff funnel on an Ubuntu machine especially if you want to install it on your Mac computer or on Windows the best way is to install it via using here and you can also use daycare in your production environment using Coburn LTE or run char or any other container management system that you have.
So I think it's very useful to learn how you can install the graph funnel and then in the future lectures I will show you how to install graphite as well using dark hair.
If you have never used dark hair you don't need to worry.
It's very easy to install dark hair for a desktop and then launch graph funnel.
So if you have never used Docker The only thing you need to do is to go to Dr.
Dot Com and then download Doc here for desktop.
However if you are a Mac OS or like any other Mac operating system user you are all setup you are fine but if you are a Windows user you have to know that you cannot install Duckett on Windows Home Edition.
You need to have a Windows professional edition in order to install Duckett and why this is the reason.
So if I go to turn windows features on and off there is a Windows feature in Windows 10 professional which is hyper v its for creating virtual machines and this feature doesn't exist in Windows Home Edition it only exists on Windows.
Professional addition to in order to use daycare you have to enable this so go to 10 windows feature on and off on or off whichever tees and then make sure this is checked if its not just ticket and then click on.
And then that feature becomes enabled.
Once you have hyper v installed on Windows you just go to Dr.
Dot Com and then you just click on this register now and then you create an account using your email address and a given password.
Once you have created your account go to products click on it and then click on her desktop and you will be taken to the download page where you can download the relevant installation find if you use a Mac then you just click on Download for Mac.
If you use Windows you just click on Download for Windows and then once your setup or installation file is downloaded you just run it and then install Docker and make sure that you restart your computer especially if you have a Windows machine because you make it just strange errors when you use dark hair.
So it's highly recommended that you restart your machine once you restart your machine.
You should have dark hair icon in here as you see and if you hover your mouse over this dark hair icon it should say dark hair.
Desktop is running as you see so if you get this duck your desktop is running your old good your setup with dark hair and all you need to do now is to use duck in in order to create an instance of a graph on the image or which is called a container.
Put it in simple terms in order to install the graph on using duck.
All you need to do is to bring up a command prompt using C and D.
So when your terminal is opened all you need to do is first to make sure Duck is running.
You can do that to be running duck.
Dash dash vision command and as you see it says duck Virgin eighteen point zero nine point one is installed and then the next step is to pull the Docker image of dark hair hub and then install it to do that.
Be just around a dark hair run command dash the.
And we need to give this a name.
We dash dash name equal to let's call it Carafano and we need to do a port mapping for Port mapping.
We use dash P in daycare.
There are two ports one of them is the port on your machine and the other one is the port on the container.
The first one is always the first pair the port on your machine.
So I would say that on my machine I want to access graph on the honest standard port which is three thousand and then map it to port three thousand on the container.
Because in this image duck image that we are using the port three thousand is basically exposed as the ports for graph on.
And then we just say pool graph on such graph fauna from the dock her Hub Repository and then install it so when I click on press on enter we see that image is being pulled and then soon it will be installed continually will be launched and we will be ready to use graph.
So the graph on the container should be up and running.
Now we need to go to Chrome or whatever browser you use and then just go to DTP call the horse and then port three thousand and as you see the graph on that is ready the default user name is at Main and the default password is at Main.
The first time you log in you will be asked to reset your password if you don't want to do that.
Just click on escape and then skip this section and as you see now we are in girl find out before we can use graph.
I know we need to learn how we can set up a data source which I will show you in the upcoming lectures.